Newt and the environmental Nazi's
Yeltsin the new Russian president
The missing link!
Ebola virus, the impending plague
French nuclear tests
Nonessential gov employees
The Unabomber
The O.J. verdict
Michael's Pregnancy
Dennis Rodman
Robert Packwood
Another shot at Newt
Yet another shot at the bloated one
Another O.J. verdict
The Pope and the O.J. Trial
Tainted cigarettes
Welcome to Montana
White Water ?
Professional sports agents
Martin Luther King day
Kids today
Talk shows today
The Shadow Knows!!
The Mideast peace Process
Ethics and Newty

Editorial Cartoons...
For a year of my life I was put into a position that many cartoonists and cynics alike dream of, the editorial cartoonist. The State News is the student newspaper of Michigan State University, highly regarded as the best student publication in the country. I've posted mostly cartoons with themes from national events, appealing to a wider audience than just MSU or boring Mid-Michigan. I hope you enjoy my strange sense of humor. Oh yeah if you are a republican you may just want to skip this section, because they are some of my favorite targets.

© 2001